
Sometimes people tell you what they listen to, while they write. Well, hell. This is what I had:

* Barenaked Ladies (10 albums/The Vanity Project)
* Misery/She Will Be Loved/Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5; basically -- the 3 moods of Maroon 5.
* A Fever You Can't Sweat Out -  Panic! At the Disco (Shaddup; it's catchy, and I love all the Palahniuk-y-ness...)
* Frank/Back to Black (albums) - Amy Winehouse
* Escape (album) - Journey
* Matthew Good/Band - 13 albums.
* Tallahassee (album) - The Mountain Goats
* Wasting Light (album); MIA, Everlong, Everlong (live/Skin & Bones), Alone + Easy Target -- Foo Fighters
* Out of the Blue (album)/Lights Go Down - ELO
* A Boy Named Goo -- Goo Goo Dolls
* Where have all the Cowboys Gone? -  Paula Cole
* 1973 - James Blunt